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    Budi Santoso rejects the foreign doctor program in Indonesia

    Sabtu, 13 Juli 2024, 08:01 WIB Last Updated 2024-07-13T01:01:03Z

    SEHATWEB.COM | SURABAYA — Previously, there was a stir in the academic world, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine (FK) Airlangga University (Unair) Surabaya, Prof. Dr. Dr. Budi Santoso, Sp.OG.(K) was removed from his position as dean.

    The dismissal process was allegedly related to his opinion which rejected the foreign doctor program in Indonesia. He then received a summons from the Unair Rector and received the decision to remove him a few days later.

    This dismissal then prompted a number of FK Unair academics to hold demonstrations. They pointed out that Budi Santoso should not be dismissed as dean. The news about this removal then became a topic of conversation on various social media.

    Due to the various criticisms and excitement that occurred, finally, the Chancellor of Airlangga University, Prof. Muhammad Nasih, canceled the decision to dismiss Prof. Budi Santoso as dean of the Faculty of Medicine.

    Muhammad Nasih said that the cancellation of this decision was made after he received a letter from Budi Santoso.

    "We can understand what Prof Budi said. Because there was a reason for us to appoint him as dean, we reappointed him," said Prof Nasih, on Wednesday (10/7).

    However, in his statement, he seemed reluctant to explain the reasons for Budi Santoso's dismissal in detail. He just thought it was in the past. For him, it is better now to focus on Unair's future.

    "That's the past, what's important now is that we focus on the future for the Unair we love," he said.

    The economics professor took an analogy like people dating. It is normal for him if a relationship suddenly ends. Because of that, he also justified Budi Santoso's dismissal. Therefore, he continued, it would be better not to bring feelings into this problem.

    This is normal. "So you meet, date, then there are problems or suddenly you break up, that's normal," he said

    Now, for him, it was all over. The former dean of FK Unair has now been returned to his post.

    Prof. Muhammad Nasih continued that Budi Santoso will return to his office as dean starting today, Wednesday (10/7).

    Meanwhile, Budi Santoso is grateful that the Chancellor of Unair has forgiven him and opened him up to a second opportunity to become Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Unair.

    "Thank God, the Chancellor has forgiven me and I will hand everything back to the Chancellor," he concluded. (*)


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